Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Plan

So here is the plan.

I have done alot of research regarding kidney cancer, arthritits, weight loss, health etc... Interestingly almost all content seems to point to going to a plant based diet.  Wait....WHAT!  a plant based diet?  Like in salad, veggies, fruits, nuts etc...????  no no no  salad is what lunch eats!

wow ok, so I am going to have to retrain my limited palate to eat vegetable.  Can someone gag me now, nevermind it happened on its own.

HOLY Crap. not only is a plant based diet suggested but a cleansing fast first?!  a FAST.  are you reading this?  a in no consumption of solids.  OK I grew up fasting for a day once a year, and I didnt like it then...these people suggest a minimum of a 2 week juicing fast up to 60 days.  SAY WHAT!  Listen I didnt get this body by fasting and juicing.  There is a lot of money invested in this rotundness.  Afterall I am in shape....round is a shape.  I fondly rememeber a shirt a very good friend of mine told me about.  On the front it said "I have the body of a GOD" and on the back it said "Too bad its Budah!"

OK ... so:

  1. research a healthy cleansing. 
  2. stick to the plan.
  3. gradually change to a plant based diet and use animal proteins as a light flavoring agent and not as the main dish.
  4. Gluten Free?  gotta research this a bit more
  5. find a way to get some excersice in, bike, recumbant bike ... something for at least 1/2 hour a day to start
  6. eat smart
  7. eat to live, not live to eat

so there it is the short term goals are in place.

Let the fun begin.

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